Link Roundup

Hi everyone!

Our authors and their books have been popping up around the interwebs, and here are a few recent places: 

  • Brandon Shimoda's The Girl Without Arms was just reviewed on The Rumpus. Charles Kruger writes, "I wish I could explain to you, to myself, the effect this language has upon me, but I can only say it makes my skin crawl. In a good way." And for more good reading, you might want to check out the Albums of Our Lives feature, set into motion by Katy Henriksen (wife of Matthew Henriksen, and all around swell gal).
  • One of our favorite blogs to follow, Montevidayo, just posted two articles involving Black Ocean authors Aase Berg (With Deer) and Feng Sun Chen (forthcoming title from Black Ocean in 2012!). Johannes defies any tidy summing up, so you best just read this and this for a discussion that hovers around language, influence, ambiance, accesibility. You won't be sorry.

Beyond the internet realm, Carrie went to Iceland this summer, and rocked it out in her Black Ocean t-shirt. We're all jealous!

We'll be rolling out a few new features on the blog in the next month or so--if there is something you want to see here, please let us know in the comments!