Black Ocean 4 Life

It's recently come to our attention that our books are very popular with the kids these days. So popular in fact that they're getting tattoos to show their love. Tattoos!? Yes...

Following are three body modifications:


From top to bottom: Rebecca H. with a tattoo inspired by "The Center of Worthwhile Things" from The Man Suit; Kimberly D. with a tattoo inspired by the black telephone / white telephone section of The Man Suit; Brittany D. with a similarly excellent inspiration. I'm so moved by their devotion that I'm giving all three LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTIONS to Black Ocean. 

Below is some dude who got a henna "tattoo" of the Scary, No Scary cover. But like a summer fling it is impermanent, and so he receives nothing more than our well wishes and fond memories...


If you'd like to get a tattoo inspired by a Black Ocean title, you too can receive a lifetime subscription and become a Black Oceanographer for life! Just send us a picture of you getting your tattoo (so we know it's not simply a magic marker), or find one of us in person and expose yourself to us (with fair warning). If only Persea Books had a deal like this going when I got my Paul Celan tattoo... *le sigh*... Thanks to the above individuals for being so particularly great!